Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Cyberspace, Effort to Leave Out of God

By Ali Topan Ds

On in this moment, we experience progress of technology. Technology has been to see off make easier in this life. The human thought that life would be easier with the progess of technology. Everyone must need a technology. Although, negative side also be found in technology. Technology has become addictive. Sometimes, technology transformed into a God. They called the cyberspace.

Presence of cyberspace greeted joyfully. Cyberspace is a new world spoiling human desires. He is regarded as free space without borders. In fact, by the digital virtual, human desire without a clear direction purpose. According to Baudrillard, cyberspace is empasizes enjoyment languages. Every mean, sign and image do not refer in reality. Baudrillard refers to the “ecstacy of communication”

Some of many cyberist like John Perry Barlow, Jaron Linier and Mark Pesce believe cyberspace change many reality like religion, spiritually and God. Jeff Zaleski explained the paradoxs of mind adherents cyberspace. Zaleski took a middle way by taking the good of technology and reject the black idea of technology.

The new reality cyberspace bassed on philosophy. Amir Piliang has an opinion that philosophy cyberspace basses from philosophical zero. Although the cyberist don’t explain if the base is philosophical zero, but it resemblance with “nihilism” Friedrich Nietzsche. Nihilism is reflection of something very valuable time ago, but it has fadded and useless. Even nihilism as an ideology reject existence of God. The cyberist start from the zero point to get the Gods. They knocked down mayority of religius communities understanding. However the understanding the cyberist is many paradoxs.

The presence of technological advances of cyberspace is indirectly erodes religious communities concept of God. God is not presence in activity of people with restriction of religius rules “theo-sophi”. But, the presence of God defeated with high technology “techno-sophi”. “The Neo-God” in a technology presence without any religious rules.

At the end of this paper I want to say, technological progress has a give convenience for mankind. But, on other side, technology can plunge the human astray. What is Sloka said in “War of The World: Cyberspace and the High-Tech Assault on Reality” about technology is true. Sloka was disappointed cause human fall in pseudo reality. Technology shouldn’t be a prison for the users and make himself “god”. Because religion is not die and God always there.

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